Presente perfeito contínuo (Present perfect continuous)

Por Sara Gonçalves Cerqueira

Graduada em Letras-Inglês (USP, 2017)

Categorias: Inglês
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O Present perfect continuous (também conhecido como Presente Perfeito Contínuo ou Progressivo) é um tempo verbal da língua inglesa no qual se enfatiza a continuidade de uma ação que iniciou no passado e continua até os dias presentes.

Sua fórmula consiste na união dos seguintes segmentos:

Sujeito + Verbo To Have (Simple Present) + Verbo To Be (Present Perfect) + Verbo principal com –ing + complemento


Forma Afirmativa (Affirmative Form)

A fórmula afirmativa do present perfect continuous consiste na fórmula já apresentada anteriormente:

Sujeito + Verbo To Have (Simple Present) + Verbo To Be (Present Perfect) + Verbo principal com –ing + complemento


Forma Negativa (Negative form)

Para construir orações negativas utilizando o Present Perfect Continuous, acrescenta-se o not após o verbo to have. A fórmula muda para:

Sujeito + verbo to have (simple present) + not + verbo to be (present perfect) + verbo principal com –ing + complemento.


Forma interrogativa (Forma interrogativa)

Para realizar perguntas no tempo verbal present perfect continuous, o verbo to have precisa anteceder o sujeito, como é possível ver na fórmula:

To have (simple present) + sujeito + verbo to be (present perfect) + verbo principal com –ing + complemento


Tabela de Conjugação – Present Perfect Continuous

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo
I have been working I have not been working Have I been working?
You have been working You have not been working Have you been working?
He has been working He has not been working Has he been working?
She has been working She has not been working Has she been working?
It has been working It has not been working Has it been working?
They have been working They have not been working Have they been working?
We have been working We have not been working Have we been working?


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